2025年新年伊始,巴塞尔艺术展香港展会正式宣布与超媒体集团(Meta Media Group)达成媒体合作伙伴关系Media Partner。今届巴塞尔艺术展香港展会将于3月28日至30日(贵宾日为3月26日和27日)在香港会议展览中心隆重举行,届时超媒体集团将与亚洲最重大的国际艺博会巴塞尔艺术展香港展会携手,共同为全球艺术爱好者呈现一场无与伦比的艺术盛会。超媒体集团将以“媒体合作伙伴”的身份携旗下来自北京、上海、香港与伦敦的多个艺术与文化的顶尖媒体平台,为展会提供全方位的传播支持,带来一系列专题出版和线下活动,为超媒体的合作伙伴提供与全球顶级艺术展会及受众互动的机会。
此次合作标志着超媒体集团和巴塞尔艺术展香港展会在艺术和文化领域的深度联动,超媒体携旗下媒体《周末画报》、《号外》、《NOWNESS》、《NOWNESS ASIA》、《ArtReview》、《ArtReview Asia》、《艺术世界 ArtReview》、《艺术新闻 / The Art Journal》、《收藏/拍卖》、《InStyle优家画报》、《商业周刊》、《Numero中文版》以及《IDEAT理想家》参展。超媒体集团将在香港会议展览中心三楼设立专属的媒体展位,艺术媒体《ArtReview》、《ArtReview Asia》、《艺术世界 ArtReview》和《艺术新闻 / The Art Journal》将在杂志区域拥有专属独立展位。文化影像频道《NOWNESS ASIA》与香港本土致力于影像艺术的非营利组织 “录映太奇” Videotage在展会的“光映现场”单元展开合作。超媒体集团强大的媒体矩阵,将为博览会公众带来多元的文化与艺术读解和体验,旗下参与展会的实体刊物,也将集中陈列于杂志区域,部分刊物分布在场馆内刊物陈列区域,供观众自由取阅。
本次香港展会,超媒体集团还将与香港本土的艺术机构如香港亚洲协会Asia Society Hong Kong Center、亚洲艺术文献库Asia Art Archive、Para Site艺术空间等艺术机构和品牌展开合作,举办对谈、派对和晚宴等丰富多彩的活动,敬请期待!
Meta Media Group and Art Basel Hong Kong Forge Media Partnership to Build an International Cultural Hub
At the dawn of 2025, Art Basel Hong Kong officially announced a media partnership with Meta Media Group. The upcoming edition of Art Basel Hong Kong, Asia’s premier international art fair, will take place from March 28 to 30 (VIP Days: March 26–27) at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). As the official Media Partner, Meta Media Group will collaborate with Art Basel Hong Kong to deliver an unparalleled artistic experience for global art enthusiasts. Leveraging its world-class media platforms spanning Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and London, Meta Media will provide comprehensive communication support through curated publications, events, and exclusive opportunities for its partners to engage with global audiences and leading art institutions.
The 2025 edition of Art Basel Hong Kong will bring together 240 exhibitors from 42 countries and territories, including 23 newcomers, presenting artistic practices that reflect the show’s commitment to global diversity and regional representation. Over half of the galleries hail from the Asia-Pacific, highlighting Art Basel’s vital role as a platform for the region’s dynamic art scene. The extensive week-long offsite and onsite public program will further underscore Hong Kong’s role as a major cultural hub.
The collaboration underscores Meta Media Group’s deep integration with Art Basel Hong Kong in advancing art and culture. Meta Media’s participating platforms include Modern Weekly, City Magazine, NOWNESS, NOWNESS ASIA, ArtReview, ArtReview Asia, ArtReview Chinese Edition, The Art Journal, Collection & Auction, InStyle, Bloomberg Businessweek China, Numéro China, and IDEAT China. Meta Media will host a dedicated media booth on the third floor at HKCEC, with ArtReview, ArtReview Asia, ArtReview Chinese Edition, and The Art Journal featured in exclusive displays within the magazine section. The cultural video platform NOWNESS ASIA will collaborate with Hong Kong’s nonprofit video art organization Videotage in the fair’s “Film” sector. Meta Media’s robust media ecosystem will offer visitors multi-dimensional cultural insights, while publications will be showcased in designated areas for free exploration.
Meta Media Group will partner with Hong Kong local institutions including Asia Society Hong Kong Center, Asia Art Archive, and Para Site, to host talks, parties, dinners, and other immersive events. Together, we aim to amplify Hong Kong’s position as a global cultural crossroads. Join us in shaping the future of art and culture.
Art Basel Hong Kong在上海ZiWU举办藏家晚宴合照
Art Basel Hong Kong在上海ZiWU举办藏家晚宴
左:Malena Zhang,Art Basel VIP Representative
右:乐思洋 Angelle Siyang-Le ,Art Basel Hong Kong Director
第一排左,乐思洋 Angelle Siyang-Le ,Art Basel Hong Kong Director
第二排右,Patricia Li,Regional Head of Marketing & Communications Asia